A LIFE WITHIN STILLNESS is a 60 page colour book containing 21 original and illuminating artworks as selected by the late artist Chloe Tupper.
The high-resolution digital images are presented artistically within the book, alongside the artist’s transcribed meanings. The pictures and their words create a stunning visual representation of one woman’s lived experience with Severe Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SEAN). The illness that claimed Chloe’s life in June 2020.
By purchasing this book you are supporting research into SEAN. The author and Tupper Family estate receive no money from the sale of this publication. All proceeds are donated to eating disorders research.
Now available
Turning the pages of this book is an invitation to enter an immersive world of beauty, loss, hope and mystery. It is a deeply impactful journey into the thoughts of an exquisitely sensitive and creative artist, Chloe Tupper, gripped by the ravages of severe mental illness. The reader is changed by meeting Chloe's view of the world and leaves both enlivened by her beautiful artistic offerings and deeply saddened by her tragic loss.
Tara MacGregor
PACFA Reg Clinical & APD
It is almost unbearably poignant to view these small paintings which document Chloe Tupper’s struggle with Enduring Anorexia Nervosa. But they constitute a remarkable and courageous response to the debilitating condition, and one which we can all learn from, and which will hopefully encourage further research and treatment options.
John Cruthers,
Chair Sheila: A Foundation for Women in Visual Art
When I first experienced Chloe’s paintings I was moved by their delicate blushes of colour and haunting atmospheres. These were clearly deeply felt adventures of expression that held profound levels of meaning. She had found in art a portal that opened the infinite possibilities through which she could shine. Chloe’s energy and the paintings she brought into the world invited compelling attention. I feel very grateful for the ongoing legacy of her paintings for all to appreciate.
Michael Iwanoff
Artist, mentor
Chloe Tupper’s story is profound and her paintings, words and colours are all consuming, she is so present in them. I can’t get over the beauty in all that suffering…I have no words! The presentation of this book is exquisite and I felt that it reflects Chloe’s spirit even though I never met her. Laura's writing is so eloquent and personal. The physical book itself drew me in, feeding my senses….I love love love it. I’m humbled by it. I can’t wait for the exhibition of the artworks.
Mental Health Professional